Kellett International School

Kellett International School

The indoor swimming pool of this Kellet International School was waterproof with Cementaid reliable waterproof concrete – Caltite System. No leakage were found till today after installation.
Victoria Shanghai Academy

Victoria Shanghai Academy

Cementaid Caltite Waterproof System was specified to use in the swimming pool of this private school for its reliable and durable waterproofing effect.
Australian International School Hong Kong

Australian International School Hong Kong

Australian International School Hong Kong Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK) is a co-educational, international school in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. Caltite system was specified and used at the roof top suspended swimming pool and the water tanks to...
Maz International School Shah Alam Campus

Maz International School Shah Alam Campus

MAZ International School from a humble beginning in 1991, through hard work and dedication, have led to the opening of their Shah Alam campus in 2011. This beautiful campus incorporated the use of Cementaid’s HPI integral waterproofing system of 3CC System in the...
Nexus International School

Nexus International School

Nexus International School, Putrajaya has a team of highly qualified international educators, delivering well-balanced curricula based on the best standards and practices used around the world. Incidentally, the Cementaid Group also practices best standards as well as...